
From Resonite Wiki
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Session Info Item Interface component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The SessionInfoItemInterface is usually mapped to a World Data Feed Item in order to show information about a particular session.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
HasData Bool The field to set when this interface is templated by a data feed for whether it has data or not.
ItemName IField`1<String> The field to fill with the name of the interface item when it is templated via a data feed. For settings toggles, this would be the toggle name.
ItemKey IField`1<String> The field to fill with the interfaces key if it is a dictionary type item.
ItemDescription IField`1<String> The field to fill with the template description when template via a data feed.
HasDescription IField`1<Bool> Whether the item when templated via a data feed has a description.
DescriptionCleanup Slot If this interface doesn't have a description during templating via a data feed, then delete the slot specified.
ItemIcon IField`1<Uri> The resource URL to fill with an image link/URI if the data feed item has an icon.
HasIcon IField`1<Bool> Whether this template has an icon. This is set during duplication as a template via a data feed.
IconCleanup Slot The slot to delete when this interface item doesn't have an icon when being duplicated as a template item by a data feed.
View SyncRef`1<IDataFeedView> The data feed view that this template was instantiated by. Like a SingleFeedView.
ParentContainer FeedItemInterface This template's parent container. If that template also has a parent and a child, then it recursively goes up the containers till it finds the root interface with a parent and a child interface, then instantiates that interfaces child interface and it's Nested items instead of just this interface.
ChildContainer Slot This template's child template which it instanciates if it's part of a parent child structure of interfaces.
NestedItems list of FeedItemInterface.NestedItem A list of extra data feed items to instantiate the same as this one with the same arguments, except each one can be Nested under this item.
EnabledState IField`1<Bool> The enabled state of this feed interface item UI element.
SessionName IField`1<String> The field to fill with the SessionName of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
Description IField`1<String> The field to fill with the Description of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
ThumbnailUrl IField`1<Uri> The field to fill with the ThumbnailUrl of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
SessionId IField`1<String> The field to fill with the SessionId of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
SessionURLs SyncFieldList`1<Uri> The fill to drive with the SessionURLs of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
HostUserId IField`1<String> The fill to drive with the HostUserId of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
HostUserSessionId IField`1<String> The field to fill with the HostUserSessionId of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
HostMachineId IField`1<String> The field to fill with the HostMachineId of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
HostUsername IField`1<String> The field to fill with the HostUsername of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
CompatibilityHash IField`1<String> The field to fill with the CompatibilityHash of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
UniverseId IField`1<String> The field to fill with the UniverseId of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
AppVersion IField`1<String> The field to fill with the AppVersion of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
IsHeadlessHost IField`1<Bool> The field to fill with the IsHeadlessHost of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
IsOnLAN IField`1<Bool> The field to fill with the IsOnLAN of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
JoinedUsers IField`1<Int> The field to fill with the JoinedUsers of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
ActiveUsers IField`1<Int> The field to fill with the ActiveUsers of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
TotalJoinedUsers IField`1<Int> The field to fill with the TotalJoinedUsers of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
TotalActiveUsers IField`1<Int> The field to fill with the TotalActiveUsers of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
MaximumUsers IField`1<Int> The field to fill with the MaximumUsers of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
SessionBeginTime IField`1<DateTime> The field to fill with the SessionBeginTime of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
LastUpdate IField`1<DateTime> The field to fill with the LastUpdate of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
AccessLevel IField`1<SessionAccessLevel> The field to fill with the AccessLevel of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
HideFromListing IField`1<Bool> The field to fill with the HideFromListing of the FeedItem mapped to this interface.
AwayKickEnabled IField`1<Bool>
AwayKickInterval IField`1<TimeSpan>


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Used in the worlds facet in the worlds tab on the Dash Menu to show Sessions open in the game.

See Also