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Component image 
Slider`1 component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The Slider component is a UIX element that a user can use to grab and move along a line, returning a value of that slider's position.

If you want a 3D slider, use the Slider component instead.
Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
BaseColor ColorX The color for this slider.
ColorDrivers list of ColorDriver Gives extra color control for different color drive targets.
__legacy_NormalColor ColorX Internal - Legacy normal color.
__legacy_HighlightColor ColorX Internal - Legacy highlight color.
__legacy_PressColor ColorX Internal - Legacy press color.
__legacy_DisabledColor ColorX Internal - Legacy disabled color.
__legacy_TintColorMode ColorMode Internal - Legacy tint color mode.
__legacy_ColorDrive field drive of ColorX Internal - Legacy color drive.
IsPressed Bool Check if the user is pressing on the slider handle.
IsHovering Bool Check if the user is hovering on the slider handle.
Value T The position this slider is at (normalized between 0 and 1)
Min T The minimum value of this slider.
Max T The maximum value of this slider.
Integers Bool Changes the way this slider counts along the slider line. Setting to integers makes it step along whole numbers.
Power Float Changes the way this slider determines its position. Power represents a shifted curve of values that is heavier at the ends of the slider.
Clamp Bool Enforces the min and max values of this slider.
VibrationThreshold T Haptic feedback for this slider.
SlideDirection Direction<T> The orientation of this slider's direction.
AnchorOffset Float2 The offset for the handle of this slider.
HandleAnchorMinDrive field drive of Float2 The min offset for the handle drive.
HandleAnchorMaxDrive field drive of Float2 The man offset for the handle drive.
FillLineDrive field drive of Float2 Fill line for this slider, fills in one side of it.
RequireLockInToInteract bool Checks to see if a user has locked in a press on this slider.
RequireInitialPress bool Check for a initial press from a user.


Sliders are very useful for making menus that do not need to be precise on UIX elements (unless using steps to lock into a value).



ProbablePrime has made a tutorial on sliders for UIX:

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