Smooth transform is a component that is used to create a "lag behind" or "trailing" effect on slots or objects that follow another object. The slot this controls will try to return to it's rest position, iteratively getting closer and closer until in eventuality reaching it's target location at rest.
The coordinate space that should be used to check the delta of the transforms in. If set to user space and parented under the user's hand, this slot will only lag behind (or smooth) when the user moves their hand, but not when they walk around. This can also be set to a slot for similar effects without a user.
Whether to do this smooth transform before or after other smooth transforms in the same slot hiearchy.
Useful in making a little fairy that follows the user around. Or a trail of orbs that float along side the user. Or floating accessories/horns/trinkets that are attached to a user that follow them around. Or an object that loosely follows a racing ship.