
From Resonite Wiki
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Tag Haptic Point Mapper component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The TagHapticPointMapper allows for defining custom mapping on avatars.

This works as part of the game's robust Haptics system.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Priority Int The priority of this Mapper over other mappers.
ShowDebugVisuals Bool Whether to show the haptic points for this haptic mapper.
HapticPoints list of TagHapticPointMapper.TaggedHapticPoint A list of haptic points with tags and where they go.


Name Type Description
HapticTag String The tag the haptic device needs to be put here.
HapticPointRoot Slot Where to put the haptic sampler for the device.


By frooxius:

  • Full body avatars are automatically instrumented with this component
  • You can define list of Slots with associated HapticTag on this component, which determine where will haptic points be mapped to
  • You can specify that haptic devices (e.g. GigglePuck) can be mapped to a specific tag in the settings


  • This gives you flexibility to customize the mapping when it doesn't fit the standard body parametrization, but it requires manual setup on the avatar to configure locations for each Tag.

See Also