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Users Asset Load Progress`1 component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The UsersAssetLoadProgress component is commonly used with ProtoFlux to tell if a particular User has loaded an asset. The node in particular is the Asset Load Progress ProtoFlux node. This component takes any IAsset as the generic argument for the component.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Asset A The Asset to monitor loading progress for.
ProgressInfo list of UsersAssetLoadProgress`1.LoadProgress<A> A list of users in the session and their status on loading the specified Asset.
TotalUsers raw output of Int The total users in the session that see Asset exists?
UsersNotLoaded raw output of Int How many users haven't fully loaded Asset?
UsersLoading raw output of Int How many users are trying to load Asset currently?
UsersPartiallyLoaded raw output of Int How many users are currently in the process of downloading Asset?
UsersFullyLoaded raw output of Int How many users have finished loading Asset?
UsersFailedToLoad raw output of Int How many users failed to load Asset due to an error?


Name Type Description
User direct UserRef The user this Load Progress is tracking loading for.
DownloadProgress Nullable`1<Float> If the user had begun downloading, how much have they downloaded from 0<->1?
State AssetLoadState What stage of getting the Asset User is at, or if they failed to get it.


Attach to a slot and provide an asset to Asset for this component to start working.


Can be used with ProtoFlux Asset Load Progress node to get the loading progress of Asset for a particular User.

See Also