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Value Multiplexer`1 component as seen in the Scene Inspector

ValueMultiplexers allow to curate a list of values and drive a target with one of them.

They implement IValue which means that a reference to them can be used to create a Source node representing the currently indexed value. This enables using them like arrays when combined with a Source of the Index field.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Target field drive of T A field which is driven with the currently selected list value
Index Int 0-based index that determines which value of Values has been selected; values outside the range [0;length-1] are wrapped around internally.
Values direct SyncFieldList`1<T> A list of values which can also individually be driven or written to
AllowWriteBack Bool Setting this to true redirects writes from Target or from a Source representing the selected value to the currently indexed list entry.


The component behaves similar to a ValueCopy with the list entry indicated by Index as its Source. Changes to Index or the list entries will affect Target whenever the drive is evaluated.

On the other hand the Source of this component updates instantly.


Array-like access from within ProtoFlux. Note the setting of AllowWriteBack and that you can only access a single value at a time!
A demonstration of what happens when Index is outside the usual range. (wraps around)

See Also