Edit Mode

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Edit Mode is a mode builders can enable through the session menu in the dashboard. While in Edit Mode users will permanently have their laser and grab area visualized.

When using this permission on a user, please do not also set that user to spectator after giving them a tool, this can lead to the user experiencing a security violation and can lead them to being kicked out of the world immediately and preventing the user from returning to any of the host user's worlds! There is currently no known way to remove this specific security violation!


Many components including Grabbables, Locomotion Modules, and Buttons can be locked to only being functional in Edit Mode. Users can also use Protoflux to check if a user is currently in Edit Mode to create their own debug visualizations.

Developer Mode

While the user is both in Edit Mode and has a Developer Tool equipped the user can enter Developer Mode through their context menu. Enabling Developer Mode can commonly be a source of lag and should be used with caution in large sessions.
