ProtoFlux:Get Texture2D Pixel

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Get Texture 2D Pixel

Get texture 2D pixel is a node that allows you to sample the pixel color of an 2 dimensional Texture that has readable enabled. Since the StaticTexture2D component needs to have readable enabled, most players opt to keep a component on the object that their code is on, and then change it's URL so they can read the image's pixels.

This node also takes a raw IAsset<Texture2D> instead of an asset provider. To extract the raw texture reference from the provider for use in this node, see the Get Asset Node.


Texture (IAsset<Texture2D>)

The raw asset of an IAssetProvider<Texture2D> extracted using a Get Asset Node.

Position (Int2)

The Position to sample the colorX from.

MipLevel (Int)

The MipMap level of the provided image to sample from. Highest quality by default.


* (colorX)

The ColorX color from the provided Texture (IAsset<Texture2D>) at the provided Position (Int2) with the provided quality MipLevel (Int).
