ProtoFlux:Global To Output

From Resonite Wiki
Global To Output

The Global To Output node takes in a reference to a global value or global reference and returns the data contained in that component reference.


* (Generic)

The value that was stored in a global value or global reference component.


Global (Generic)

The component that is referenced.


To make this work, you need the following things:

Using primary on either global areas of the nodes will automatically make a GlobalValue/GlobalReference component. These can be accessed currently through the inspector only. Once opened in the inspector, if there are any GlobalToOutput nodes that automatically made GlobalValue/GlobalReference components on them, those can be removed in favor of any components made prior (either on WriteToGlobal nodes or on other slots that has those components)

The last step is to reference GlobalValue/GlobalReference component in the WriteToGlobal node (or from some other slot) to the field in the GlobalToOutput node. Then call the write node and notice the value change.

Keep in mind that the GlobalToOutput node will not update automatically if you have a display out from it already, using the Continuously Changing Relay will update these displays as you write values to see those displays update, although not recommended.