ProtoFlux:Pack ProtoFlux In Place

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Pack Proto Flux In Place

The Pack ProtoFlux In Place node takes in a start point for your ProtoFlux code, and when called, will pack everything in place, no matter where. If you have all your code sitting in Root or inside a Slot, it will pack it at that exact location.

If you decide to add more nodes and connect them to a node that is under a different slot, the connected nodes will pack correctly and be under the StartNode's slot. However, unpacking from that slot that is holding the StartNode may not completely unpack properly.

It is preferred to use the Pack ProtoFlux Nodes node instead for packing to reduce the risk of some of your nodes not being completely packed/unpacked.


* (Call)

Calls an impulse to pack the ProtoFlux in its exact spot.

StartNode (ProtoFluxNode)

The starting point node where we should pack the nodes from.


Next (Continuation)

Continues the code from here.