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Component image 
RawGraphic component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The RawGraphic component takes in a Material or a Material Property Block component, then shows the raw graphic image onto the UIX.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Material Material The material to take the raw graphic from.
PropertyBlock MaterialPropertyBlock The image within a literal image block.
FillRect Rect The filling rect for this image.
Color ColorX Changes the color of the image.
UVRect Rect Shifts the UV of the raw image.
Orientation RectOrientation Rotates the raw image and respects aspect ratio.
Normal Nullable`1<Float3> The normal for this raw graphic.
Tangent Nullable`1<Float4> The tangent for this raw graphic.
HideWithNoMaterial Bool If there is no material, hid this raw image.
PreserveUVAspectRatio Bool If this raw graphic should preserve its aspect ratio.
InteractionTarget Bool Makes this image as the interaction target for this UIX.


Use this component when the Image component does not have what your looking for in your UIX design.


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