Resonite Intro Tutorial

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Resonite Intro Tutorial
A floating home in the sky with sails spinning..
A floating home in the sky with sails spinning..
Created By
Resonite Team
Published On
tutorial, intro, basics, resonite

The Resonite Intro Tutorial world is the main entry point for users in Resonite, and teaches basic movement, control, Context menu actions, and the mechanics of object interactions. All users who start up Resonite for the first time (or cleared their database and does not use the command -SkipIntroTutorial) will be sent here to guide them through Resonite.

Although this is the official intro tutorial of Resonite, it does not provide pivotal information such as using the foundational tools such as the the Dev Tool or the the visual coding language of Protoflux. It also does not inform the user of the Dash nor cover what Mentors are or how to ask them for help on different subjects.

Most of the time, new users will be provided assistance by the community to understand all of the functionality and capabilities of Resonite after leaving this world. But if a user is already friends with another user (preferably one that is helping them get setup into Resonite in the first place), they can invite them to this world for further assistance.


There are a few things you can do here, most of which demo the features provided in Resonite:

Information Panels

These panels are placed every so often to let the user know that there is something they can do or some information they should know. Information such as how to walk or jump, and a "before you go..." sign.

Demo Objects

These items sit on special pedestals with a popup saying what a user can do to these objects. Things like grabbing, snapping, and sliding objects are introduced here.

Demo interactables

These items are near the demo objects, and shows the user that there are powerful items that can do different things. There is a Telescope and a Sun Gun here.

Information screens

These are located inside the building, explaining to the user that there is so much to see and do inside Resonite, as well as a Patreon supporters board.

Toys & Gadgets

Throughout the world, you will see little objects that you can interact with. Some objects here are unique to this world only (not seen in the Cloud Home). Here are these items:

  • Flying Top Launcher
  • Globe that you can spin
  • Sticky Notes
  • An item that is a maze-like structure
  • A gem
  • A low-poly spaceship
  • A "liquid" inside a box demo item (showcases on a sticky note that you can rotate it with "E")
  • A fancy box frame with square electric currents in the middle of it.
  • A strange and unknown cone-shaped hat. (TODO: Figure out what this item is on that shelf)
  • A Whiteboard used to write things on.


This world is equipped with chairs and other seats, but unlike the Cloud Home, these don't have anchors, so they cannot be sat on. Many seats and desk areas have some form of lighting that you can control with ease.

Cloud Home Teleporter

This is located at the end of the tutoral world, and it looks similar to the Swap Teleporter. When walked into, it will take the user to their very own private Cloud Home.

Other information

Easter Eggs & Secrets

  • This world is special as the doors can open even when you're in Noclip.