
From Resonite Wiki

The Binary type is an asset type that acts like an unrecognizable or unhandleable format for Resonite, but also containing data of some form. Binary files and the type do NOT relate to the idea of binary executable files (.exe files), binary data types like boolean logic, nor binary strings (1s and 0s). The data contained inside these files is just the representation of the data that was exported (slot data, names, tags, slot children, etc).

This has many uses, but not many are known. Some uses include the following:

  • Cloud Spawning using a resdb link, using the StaticBinary and FileMetadata components.
  • Creating Binary files using the BinaryExportable and StaticBinary components, while also using a resdb link or local link.
  • Using and creating raw .bin files to send text-based data (such as code), distributing it and being used by an item or gadget designed to read from it.
It is not recommended to use this a method of local storage, as doing so would make your assets unrecoverable! This is due to the fact that exporting a binary file is one-way currently in Resonite, and a raw binary file is unrecognizable to the engine, and will fail when importing. Please use Resonite Packages instead for a more reliable method of storage.

See Also