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An Asset, is any object within a Resonite Creation that is not stored within the Resonite Data Model.


Some examples of assets are:

Asset Type Description
Texture/Image Images/textures.
Audio Sound Effects and other sound sources
Font Font files used for rendering text
Mesh Mesh information, the triangles that make up a model etc.


It can often be unclear what is an isn't an asset. Some commonly mistaken items are:

  • Materials
    • These are not assets but instead objects within the Resonite Data Model that link directly to Shaders.
  • Slots

Asset Variants

Assets you bring into Resonite will eventually have variants created for them through the asset variant system. Variants, are used to make Resonite content more performant or efficient.


Assets are de-duplicated, an asset saved in your inventory multiple times will only be counted against your storage quota once. De-duplication is based on the Hash of the Asset so any change, however small could result in an additional asset stored which does count against your storage quota.

The space shown in the Inventory tab of the Dash for a Resonite creation shows how much it would take if it (or its parts) were not de-duplicated.


Users can import assets, either by pasting the asset from their clipboard, using the File Browser, or dragging and dropping them into Resonite itself. As long as the file type is supported, Resonite will process it.


Assets and data can be exported from Resonite in many different ways:


Assets are used in IAssetProviders are used to reference an asset like a reference type in components and ProtoFlux.

This is often useful when using complex types.


Assets contain metadata and this can be used to access information about the asset. You can use Components to get or set this metadata information.

Assets In Worlds

Assets are usually stored in the Assets Slot in a world, and are regularly garbage collected to optimize a world.