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Quantity Text Editor Parser`1 component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The QuantityTextEditorParser component takes in a ParsedValue and if there is a TextEditor on the same slot, it will send the value through the text editor and into either a Text or a TextRenderer component.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
ParseContinuously Bool If true, makes the value always update and parse. If false, it only updates when submitted.
UpdateStringFromValue Bool If true, will update the string value from this parsed value.
ParsedValue Double The value that was read from the text field.
MinValue Double The minimum value that can be read.
MaxValue Double The maximum value that can be read.
IgnoreOutOfRange Bool Ignores any value that is out of range from the min and max.
DefaultUnit String Changes the default unit to show in the text (especially if the FormatUnit is incorrect).
FormatUnit String The unit to show in the text.
FormatNumber String Formats the string.
CompoundFormatUnits direct SyncFieldList`1<String> Compounds units together (example: feet and inches for height).
CompoundUseLongNames Bool Use the long version of names.
CompoundOverrideNames Bool Overrides the names.
CompoundDiscardLastFraction Bool Discards the last fraction.
CompoundSeparator String Separates the compound units.
CompoundZeroHandling CompoundZeroHandling Handles zeros for units.


Place on the same Slot as a TextEditor and anything entered into the text editor will be attempted to be parsed as a quantity and output via the ParsedValue field.


See Also