
From Resonite Wiki
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Text Renderer component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Tex renderer is a component that is used as the main part of a Basic, which is made via the create new menu using a DevTip


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
HighPriorityIntegration Bool If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
OverrideBoundingBox Bool Force the bounding box calculated from this component to use OverridenBoundingBox instead of calculating when requested.
OverridenBoundingBox BoundingBox the bounding box this component should say it has when OverrideBoundingBox is enabled. Useful for bounding box calculations with Flux, or changing the selection box for this component when rendered.
Profile ColorProfile The profile that the vertex colors for this mesh should be displayed in.
Font FontSet The font set to use to render the text. For example, Times new Roman, or Avali Scratch.
Text String The text to display. For example, "Hello world!"
ParseRichText Bool whether to Parse rich text demoniators like "<b></b>" for bold and "<i></i>" for itallic. There are many Rich Text Format tags that exist.
NullText String the text to display if Text is null. (Empty text doesn't count)
Size Float how big to render the text as.
HorizontalAlign TextHorizontalAlignment How to align the text horizontally.
VerticalAlign TextVerticalAlignment how to align the text vertically.
AlignmentMode AlignmentMode how to align the text within the bounding box
Color ColorX what color to render the text in.
Materials list of Material what materials to render the text as. Really only works with Unlit Text Material type.
LineHeight Float how much space each text line should take up
Bounded Bool whether to restrict the text within a certain area
BoundsSize Float2 the area to use if Bounded is enabled.
BoundsAlignment Alignment how to align the text to the bounds and therefore how to handle text that spills out.
MaskPattern String a string to replace every character in Text with when rendering. Useful for password fields.
HorizontalAutoSize Bool whether to scale the text to fit the bounds horizontally
VerticalAutoSize Bool whether to scale the text to fit the bounds vertically
CaretPosition Int Where the typing cursor position is within the text by character index.
SelectionStart Int where the selection starts if the text is being edited currently.
CaretColor ColorX the color of the typing cursor
SelectionColor ColorX the color of the typing selection.
_legacyFontMaterial FontMaterial Internal.
_legacyAlign Alignment Internal.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
BakeMesh:Action Action X Bake meshes is a sync method that creates a static mesh component with this component, replaces all references to this component with the static mesh component, then deletes this component.



Used in the "Basic" and "Outlined" text objects in the create new menu using a DevTip. It's also useful in making physical UI's, and for signs. Anything generally text related that can be simple.

See Also

UIX Text