Url Display

From Resonite Wiki
Url Display
The Default Url Display

The Url Display is the default available display a user can bring out from a link or from the Resonate Essentials folder.

This Url Display, when provided with a link from the user's Clipboard, will create a Url Display UIX panel and a hyperlink to a location.

This is customizable. If you find a custom Url Display that you like, you can replace this default Url Display with anything else that acts like it. This can be done using the "Set Url Display" button in the Inventory.


The following are the controls and UI Elements that this Url Display provides, and how they function:

  • Copy Button: This allows a user to copy the link on this Url Display.
  • Hyperlink: Clicking on this will create a popup for the user asking them if they want to visit this link with their default browser on their device.
  • Close Button: This destroys the Url Display from the world.