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Component image
Volume Unlit Material component as seen in the Scene Inspector
The VolumeUnlitMaterial component is used to display 3d textures like Xrays, sunbeams, MRIs, CT scans, or any other 3d texture in a volumetric 3d cube that can optionally be sliced. Can also be used for volumetric lighting, but high texture resolutions can be large and cause considerable render lag.
This is a raymarched material, which means that a ray is stepped iteratively closer and closer to the volume in order to determine what is shown or not.
If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
How far from the center of the volume to offset the plane in the inverse of its normal direction. (For some reason it is the negative of the normal) This is done in local space.
This is an originally entirely white volume with a highlight plane which has a normal of <0,1,0>, with no offset, making it centered in the volume. Its range is 0.05 which gives it that thickness. If it was 0.5 this would fill the entire cube, since the volume is size <1,1,1> and this thickness is applied in both directions.
In the one on the right the threshold is 0.34, however the red part of the volume has a value of exactly 1/3, meaning that this gets culled, whereas the one on the left the threshold is 0.28 and the red streak passes the hit test and is drawn.