Linear Mapper 4D is a component that draws a line from <code>TargetMin</code> and <code>TargetMax</code> and uses a linear range between the two with <code>Target</code> to map <code>Source</code> to a range between <code>SourceMin</code> and <code>SourceMax</code>.
|Source|{{RootFieldType|RelayRef`1|[[Type:IValue`1|IValue`1]]<[[Type:Float|Float]]>}}|TypeAdv0=true| The value to map from <code>SourceMin</code> to <code>SourceMax</code> using <code>Target</code>.
|Target|{{RootFieldType|FieldDrive`1|[[Type:Float4|Float4]]}}|TypeAdv1=true| The value to map from <code>TargetMin</code> to <code>TargetMax</code> using <code>Source</code>.
|SourceMin|Float| The minimum of the range of the <code>Source</code> value.
|SourceMax|Float| The maximum of the range of the <code>Source</code> value.
|TargetMin|Float4| The minimum of the range of the <code>Target</code> value.
|TargetMax|Float4| The maximum of the range of the <code>Target</code> value.
|AllowReverseMapping|Bool| Allow <code>Target</code> to map it's value to <code>Source</code>'s ranged value when written to.
|Clamp|Bool| Whether to prevent <code>Source</code> and <code>Target</code> from going outside their defined ranges.
Linear Mapper 4D is a component that draws a line from TargetMin and TargetMax and uses a linear range between the two with Target to map Source to a range between SourceMin and SourceMax.