Component:RawDataTool: Difference between revisions

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|_overrideActiveTool|'''[[Component:InteractionHandler|InteractionHandler]]'''|TypeAdv5=true| {{Template:ITool _overrideActiveTool}}
|_overrideActiveTool|'''[[Component:InteractionHandler|InteractionHandler]]'''|TypeAdv5=true| {{Template:ITool _overrideActiveTool}}
|_gripPosesGenerated|Bool| {{Template:ITool _gripPosesGenerated}}
|_gripPosesGenerated|Bool| {{Template:ITool _gripPosesGenerated}}
|LocalTipOffset|Float3| How much to offset the tooltip and its laser
|LocalTipOffset|Float3| How much to offset the tool and its laser
|LocalTipReference|Slot| The slot to use for the laser source and tip location.
|LocalTipReference|Slot| The slot to use for the laser source and tip location.
|UseLaser|Bool| Whether to enable the use of and visual of the Laser.
|UseLaser|Bool| Whether to enable the use of and visual of the Laser.
|BlockPrimaryWhenTouching|Bool| blocks use of primary when the tooltip is touching a wall.
|BlockPrimaryWhenTouching|Bool| blocks use of primary when the tool is touching a wall.
|UseSecondary|Bool| Allow for use of secondary. When disabled on quest this disables the Tank Controls mode which many quest users in the resonite community dislike.  
|UseSecondary|Bool| Allow for use of secondary. When disabled on quest this disables the Tank Controls mode which many quest users in the resonite community dislike.  
|AllowUseWhenHolding|Bool| Allow use of the tool when the user is holding onto the tool rather than having it equipped.
|AllowUseWhenHolding|Bool| Allow use of the tool when the user is holding onto the tool rather than having it equipped.
|Equipped|Bool| Whether the tool is equipped or not. This will still return true if the user is holding onto the tip. Commonly referred to as "Soft Equipping" or "Sudo Equipping".
|Equipped|Bool| Whether the tool is equipped or not. This will still return true if the user is holding onto the tip. Commonly referred to as "Soft Equipping" or "Sudo Equipping".
|ControllerType|{{RootFieldType|SyncType}}|TypeAdv14=true| The [[Type:Type|Type]] (C# class) of the controller holding this tooltip.
|ControllerType|{{RootFieldType|SyncType}}|TypeAdv14=true| The [[Type:Type|Type]] (C# class) of the controller holding this tool.
|ControllerSide|Chirality| Whether the left, right, or none controller is holding this tooltip.
|ControllerSide|Chirality| Whether the left, right, or none controller is holding this tool.
|PrimaryStrength|{{RootFieldType|RawOutput`1|[[Type:Float|Float]]}}|TypeAdv16=true| The live updated value of the user's primary strength on this hand. Applies to VRcontrollers or game pad type controllers.
|PrimaryStrength|{{RootFieldType|RawOutput`1|[[Type:Float|Float]]}}|TypeAdv16=true| The live updated value of the user's primary strength on this hand. Applies to VRcontrollers or game pad type controllers.
|SecondaryAxis|{{RootFieldType|RawOutput`1|[[Type:Float2|Float2]]}}|TypeAdv17=true| The position of the thumb on the track pad used for secondary on this hand.
|SecondaryAxis|{{RootFieldType|RawOutput`1|[[Type:Float2|Float2]]}}|TypeAdv17=true| The position of the thumb on the track pad used for secondary on this hand.

Latest revision as of 03:59, 18 February 2025

Component image 
Raw Data Tool component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The RawDataTool component is used in many different tool creations to allow for getting tool related actions on the hand its equipped in. This component has a ProtoFlux node associated with it (ProtoFlux:RawDataTool Events)


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
_equipLink direct LinkTarget`1<ITool> This is Internal, and is used by the engine to retrieve the component this field is a part of. It cannot be assigned to.
TipReference Slot The slot to use as the tool's tip, instead of the component's slot.
BlockGripEquip Bool Whether to prevent legacy double grip equipping from equipping this tooltip.
BlockRemoteEquip Bool Whether to prevent equipping by clicking via laser
EquipName String The name of the tool in the context menu when equipping via context menu.
_overrideActiveTool InteractionHandler The interaction handler to use instead of this tool as an interaction handler.
_gripPosesGenerated Bool Whether the Grip Pose Reference components and slots have been generated for this tool.
LocalTipOffset Float3 How much to offset the tool and its laser
LocalTipReference Slot The slot to use for the laser source and tip location.
UseLaser Bool Whether to enable the use of and visual of the Laser.
BlockPrimaryWhenTouching Bool blocks use of primary when the tool is touching a wall.
UseSecondary Bool Allow for use of secondary. When disabled on quest this disables the Tank Controls mode which many quest users in the resonite community dislike.
AllowUseWhenHolding Bool Allow use of the tool when the user is holding onto the tool rather than having it equipped.
Equipped Bool Whether the tool is equipped or not. This will still return true if the user is holding onto the tip. Commonly referred to as "Soft Equipping" or "Sudo Equipping".
ControllerType direct SyncType The Type (C# class) of the controller holding this tool.
ControllerSide Chirality Whether the left, right, or none controller is holding this tool.
PrimaryStrength raw output of Float The live updated value of the user's primary strength on this hand. Applies to VRcontrollers or game pad type controllers.
SecondaryAxis raw output of Float2 The position of the thumb on the track pad used for secondary on this hand.
Primary raw output of Bool Whether the user is pressing primary on this hand. See Controls
Secondary raw output of Bool Whether the user is pressing secondary on this hand. See Controls.
_primaryStrengthStream ValueStream`1<Float> The value stream of the primary strength value. This comes from a user's value streams which can be viewed through a User Inspector.
_secondaryAxisStream ValueStream`1<Float2> The value stream of the secondary strength value. This comes from a user's value streams which can be viewed through a User Inspector.
_primaryStream ValueStream`1<Bool> The value stream of the primary pressed value. This comes from a user's value streams which can be viewed through a User Inspector.
_secondaryStream ValueStream`1<Bool> The value stream of the secondary pressed value. This comes from a user's value streams which can be viewed through a User Inspector.
_rawStrength Float The Raw unfiltered value of the primary strength value.
_rawAxis Float2 the Raw unfiltered value of the secondary axis value.
_rawPrimary Bool the Raw unfiltered value of the primary pressed value.
_rawSecondary Bool the Raw unfiltered value of the secondary pressed value.
PrimaryActionDescription String sets the label that tells the user what primary on this tool does.
SecondaryActionDescription String sets the label that tells the user what secondary on this tool does.


Attach to a slot and this component will generate the needed slots for this tool to work. This component will need a collider in its slot hierarchy so the tool can be grabbed and used. Combining this tool with protoflux or Components is needed to add custom behavior.


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See Also