
From Resonite Wiki

ITool is an Interface Type That is a generalization of all Tools, including Raw Data Tool Tips. This can be used to get a few different shared features of what any tooltip can do.

These include functions which contain but are not limited to (According to de compiled code):

  • Equipping/Dequipping
  • Uses Laser
  • Tip Reference
  • On Primary/Secondary Pressed


Components implementing ITool
Billboard Brush Tool
Box Brush Tool
Camera Control Tool
Character Collider Setter Tool
Color Tool
Component Clone Tool
Controller Diagnostic Tool
Convex Hull Brush
Dev Tool
Duplicator Tool
Geometry Line Brush Tool
Glue Tool
Inspector Tool
Labeler Tool
Light Tool
Material Tool
Mesh Tool
Mesh Visibility Toggle Tool
Meter Tool
Microphone Tool
Object Slicer Tool
Particle Spray
Quad Brush Tool
Raw Data Tool
Rig Mesh Transfer Tool
Shape Tool
Spot Light Tool
Sun Mover
Tool Multiplexer