Example ProtoFlux Node

From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 03:06, 15 January 2024 by Shrike (talk | contribs) (Typo fixes)
ProtoFlux Node
Woah, globals
This page is meant for wiki editors to have a standard, this node doesn't actually exists in Resonite; instead look at the ProtoFlux category for documentation!

This page shows an example of a ProtoFlux node page. Do not hesitate to look at the source of this page and use it as a template. If using this page as a template, you will need to remove the tags <nowiki></nowiki> around the category part at the bottom.

ProtoFlux node pages are using the ProtoFlux module to generate the visuals.

When a new page for a node is created, the name of the wiki page needs to follow I Am A Flux Node (ProtoFlux). In this example, the node would appear as IAmAFluxNode in the ProtoFlux node browser.

Currently, the system in place for dealing with nodes that can have a select few different inputs/outputs is to label the connector in the page with a "Pseudo-Generic" type. Then give the ProtoFlux module on the page the type "Dummy" like on this page. Lastly list or describe the types it can take.

If the node has an input/output that takes any type, give the ProtoFlux module on the page the type "Dummy" like on this page. Then label the connector on the page with a "Generic" type.

If a Non generic type is used for an input, please link it like the Woah Globals section title below Please remember, [[Type:ValueNameHere|ValueNameHere]] not [[Types:ValueNameHere|ValueNameHere]]


Input (Call)

This is the description for the input.

Dummy (Pseudo-Generic)

I am an input that has X done to it.
Example inputs: type1, type2, type 5,000,000,000


Output (Continuation)

This is the description for the output.


Woah Globals (User)

This is the description of the global.


Put example pics here in a gallery.
