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Component image 
Asset Multiplexer`1 component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The AssetMultiplexer component is used to drive an asset field from a list of assets and an index within the list.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Target direct DriveRef`1<AssetRef`1<A>> The field to drive.
Index Int Which element in Assets to drive to Target
Assets list of A The list of assets to multiplex between.


Add the list of assets you want to use through the SyncAssetList<IAsset`1> area, then add in your assets into the items. Then you can specify the field through the Target you wanna switch between different assets for. Changing the Index will change which asset the Target has in it.

This component directly drives a value, not a reference. Therefore, trying to combine it with other components using an IAssetProvider<T> type, such as a ReferenceMultiDriver, will not work. To drive by reference and thus interop this component, use a ReferenceMultiDriver<IAssetProvider<T>>


Using an asset multiplexer to allow your avatar to switch shirts via changing the texture, a pattern changer for a music visualizer.

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