
Category page
Revision as of 06:21, 15 January 2024 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (Create User ProtoFlux Category Part 1)
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Category Summary
Info Data about a user's FPS, Queued Packets, Time, Platform, (etc).
LocalOutput Data about a user's Ears/View position and Desktop FOV.
Status Data about a user's is patreon, live, dash, and presence.
UserRoot Data about a user's limb end and global scale.
Node Name Description
Get Active User Returns the nearest parent user of the provided slot.
Get Active User Self Returns the nearest parent user of this node's slot.
Get User From Component Returns the nearest parent user of the provided component's slot.
Host User Returns the host user of the session.
Local User Returns the user looking at the node.
Local UserRoot Returns the UserRoot of the user looking at the node.
Local User Slot Returns the root slot of the user looking at the node.
Local User Space Returns the parent slot of the user looking at the node.
Set User Scale Sets the provided user's scale multiplier with X upon Call.
User From ID Returns a user from the provided UserID(string).
User From Username Returns a user from the provided Username(string).
User Machine ID Returns a MachineID(string) of the provided user.
User Root Slot Returns the root slot of the provided user.
User From ID Returns the UserID(string) of the provided user.
User From Username Returns the Username(string) of the provided user.
User UserRoot Returns the UserRoot of the provided user.