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Revision as of 01:54, 7 January 2025 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (some more info)

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Component image 
CommonAvatarBuilder component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Common Avatar Builder is a component that is part of every world that defines the spawning behavior and routines to do for all users when they spawn into a world. This can be used to add world settings menus, change what parts of a user get automatically set up, and so on.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
LoadCloudAvatars Bool Whether to load the User's set avatar, or load the default avatar instead.
CustomAvatarTemplates list of AvatarTemplate
AutoInject Slot A slot that will automatically be duplicated and added as a child of an avatar when they join the world. Certain components will use this to override user behavior when part of this slot's hierarchy, like Avatar Audio Config to name one.
SetupNameBadges Bool Whether to set up the user's default name badge when they spawn
SetupIconBadges Bool Whether to set up the user's default badges when they spawn.
SetupServerVoice Bool Unused.
SetupClientVoice Bool Unused.
SetupServerTools Bool Unused.
SetupClientTools Bool Unused.
SetupLocomotion Bool Whether to give the user the default locomotion modules when they spawn.
AllowLocomotion Bool Whether to allow the user to move using locomotion when they spawn.
DefaultHostSilenced Bool Whether the user should be default muted to the host when they spawn.
DefaultClientSilenced Bool Whether the user should be default muted on their end when they spawn.
LocomotionModules Slot The slot full of locomotion modules that the user will have by default after they spawn.
ForceDefaultLocomotionModule ILocomotionModule The locomotion to enable for the user by default when spawning rather than the one in that user's locomotion settings set in their dash.
FindUserPreferredModule Bool Whether to try to spawn the user into their preferred locomotion module they set in settings.
SetupItemShelves Bool Whether to add item shelves to the user when they spawn.
ParentClientsToServer Bool
AlignTracking Bool
EmptyAvatarSlotHandler IEmptyAvatarSlotHandler
FillEmptySlots Bool Whether to fill empty AvatarObjectSlots with default head and hand objects if they are missing on their loaded avatar.


Name Type Description
TemplateRoot Slot The avatar to use if this is chosen.
OnlyForRole Role What role this choice should apply to.
Weight Float The likelyness compared to other choices to choose this.
MaxUsers Int How many users at maximum could be assigned this avatar at any given moment.
BlockCloudAvatar Bool Whether the user's Favorited avatar should be ignored.


Name Value Description
Anyone 0 Anyone will get the avatar.
HostOnly 1 Only the host may get this avatar.
GuestOnly 2 Only guests may get this avatar.


This component gets read and executed every time a user respawns or joins into a world.


Found under Root in every world, and is used to control user spawning.