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Revision as of 15:35, 7 March 2024 by PJB (talk | contribs) (Automated: update Fields)
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Component image 
Session Control Dialog component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
ActiveTab Tab
_contentRoot Slot
_worldName TextField
_maxUsers IntTextEditorParser
_awayKickEnabled Checkbox
_awayKickMinutes FloatTextEditorParser
_autosaveEnabled Checkbox
_autosaveMinutes FloatTextEditorParser
_autocleanEnabled Checkbox
_autocleanMinutes FloatTextEditorParser
_mobileFriendly Checkbox
_hideFromListing Checkbox
_description TextField
_worldNameButton Button
_descriptionButton Button
_maxUsersButton Button
_awayKickEnabledButton Button
_awayKickMinutesButton Button
_autosaveEnabledButton Button
_autosaveMinutesButton Button
_autocleanEnabledButton Button
_autocleanMinutesButton Button
_mobileFriendlyButton Button
_hideFromListingButton Button
_permissionOverridesIndicator Text
_permissionOverridesButton Button
_getSessionOrb Button
_getWorldOrb Button
_editMode Button
_copySessionURL Button
_copyWorldURL Button
_copyRecordURL Button
_accessLevelRadios list of Radio
_accessLevelRadiosButtons list of Button
_worldNameSync WorldValueSync`1<String>
_descriptionSync WorldValueSync`1<String>
_maxUsersSync WorldValueSync`1<Int>
_awayKickEnabledSync WorldValueSync`1<Bool>
_awayKickMinutesSync WorldValueSync`1<Float>
_autosaveEnabledSync WorldValueSync`1<Bool>
_autosaveMinutesSync WorldValueSync`1<Float>
_autocleanEnabledSync WorldValueSync`1<Bool>
_autocleanSecondsSync WorldValueSync`1<Float>
_mobileFriendlySync WorldValueSync`1<Bool>
_hideFromListingSync WorldValueSync`1<Bool>
_editModeSync WorldValueSync`1<Bool>
_accessLevelSync WorldValueSync`1<SessionAccessLevel>
_customVerifierLabel Text
_customVerifierCheckbox Checkbox
_customVerifierButton Button
_customVerifierSync WorldValueSync`1<Bool>
_uiContentRoot Slot
_slideSwap SlideSwapRegion
_saveWorld Button
_saveWorldAs Button
_saveWorldCopy Button
_tabButtons list of Button



See Also