
From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 05:33, 28 May 2024 by AmasterAmaster (talk | contribs) (Made the dynamic feature of settings more apparent. Added the Twitch Streaming Interface setting in Misc.)

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The settings tab of the Dash Menu is used to configure Resonite's appearance and how it operates.

This settings page is dynamic and will register new settings when a component requests them[1] (Ex: The Twitch Streaming Interface Setting).

An image of the new settings menu, at the top are the "breadcrumbs" which show where you are currently located, on the left is a list of tabs, currently audio is selected, in the middle is the actual settings panel with all of the options and on the right is a "More information" tab which reads: "Hover over a setting to see its description"


Audio Input

Setting Usage
Use system default input device Tells Resonite to use the default microphone defined by your operating system
Configure default audio input device Allows setting the priority for audio input devices

Audio Output

Setting Usage
Use system default output device Tells Resonite to use the default audio output defined by your operating system
Audio output devices Allows setting the priority for audio output devices


Setting Usage
Master volume Controls the volume of everything in Resonite
Sound effect volume Controls the volume of sound effects. These are typically sounds produced by items and avatars
Multimedia volume Controls the volume of multimedia assets. These are typically videos, audio files, audio streams and background music in worlds
Voice volume Controls the volume of other users in your session along with pre-recorded voice clips in some cases. Please remember you can adjust the volume of individual users in the Session tab.
UI volume Controls the volume of sound effects created by UI specifically. These are typically hovering and pressing buttons and capturing photos

Audio Accessibility

Setting Usage
Whisper mode volume Controls the volume of sounds outside of your whisper sphere when using whisper mode.
Voice message volume Controls the volume of sounds while you are recording a voice message.

Input Filtering


General Controls

Setting Usage
Primary hand Adapts the game to your dominant hand. Some items and tools will adapt to this.
Double click interval Used to adjust the time window for any actions which require a double click.


Setting Usage
Locomotion Preferences Sets the priority for your locomotion choice when joining a world


This section only applies to using Resonite in desktop mode

Setting Usage
Sensitivity Controls how sensitive your mouse is in general.
Looking speed
Panning speed
Rotation speed
Freeform rotation speed


User Interface



Setting Usage
Curvature Controls how curved the dashboard is when playing in VR.
Open/close speed The speed at which the dashboard opens and closes.


Setting Usage
Nameplate visibility Controls whose nameplates are shown to you
Show custom nameplates When disabled, forces all users to use the default nameplate instead of any custom one they have.

Interaction Lazers

Desktop View

Quick Photo Capture


Haptic Feedback

Setting Usage
Controller vibration Enables or disables controller vibration as a whole.
Haptic feedback Enables or disables haptic feedback from avatars and items in the world or other haptic devices


Setting Usage
VR Hotswitching Enables or disables your game automatically switching to desktop mode/VR when a headset is disconnected or connected.
This can still be manually triggered by pressing F8 on your keyboard.
For this setting to be effective, the game must have been launched in VR mode first.

Leap Motion

Tracking Smoothing


User Metrics

Setting Usage
Height Adapts the game to your real world height. This is used to properly scale your avatars.


Desktop Render Settings

Setting Usage
Field of view Controls your field of view (FOV) in desktop mode.

Post Processing


Messaging Privacy

Setting Usage
Do not send realtime read status Stops read reciepts of your messages from being sent in real time. Turning this on also means you cannot see when someone else reads your messages in real time


Host Access


Realtime Networking

Asset Gathering

Network Relays


Platform Settings

The name of this section changes in game depending on your operating system.


Legacy Features

Twitch Streaming Interface

This setting only appears when you open the Stream Camera for the first time.

Setting Usage
Twitch Channel Name An easy way to use the Twitch Chat feature in Resonite.
  1. Frooxius in a GitHub Comment