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The settings tab of the Dash Menu is used to configure Resonite's appearance and how it operates.

This settings page is dynamic and will register new settings when a component requests them[1] (Ex: The Twitch Streaming Interface Setting).

An image of the new settings menu, at the top are the "breadcrumbs" which show where you are currently located, on the left is a list of tabs, currently audio is selected, in the middle is the actual settings panel with all of the options and on the right is a "More information" tab which reads: "Hover over a setting to see its description"


Audio Input

Setting Usage
Use system default input device Tells Resonite to use the default microphone defined by your operating system
Configure default audio input device Allows setting the priority for audio input devices

Audio Output

Setting Usage
Use system default output device Tells Resonite to use the default audio output defined by your operating system
Audio output devices Allows setting the priority for audio output devices


Setting Default Value Usage
Master volume 75% Controls the volume of everything in Resonite
Sound effect volume 100% Controls the volume of sound effects. These are typically sounds produced by items and avatars
Multimedia volume 100% Controls the volume of multimedia assets. These are typically videos, audio files, audio streams and background music in worlds
Voice volume 100% Controls the volume of other users in your session along with pre-recorded voice clips in some cases. Please remember you can adjust the volume of individual users in the Session tab.
UI volume 100% Controls the volume of sound effects created by UI specifically. These are typically hovering and pressing buttons and capturing photos

Audio Accessibility

Setting Usage
Whisper mode volume Controls the volume of sounds outside of your whisper sphere when using whisper mode.
Voice message volume Controls the volume of sounds while you are recording a voice message.

Input Filtering

Setting Usage
Voice normalization This feature will try to ensure that your voice input is brought to a uniform level. This helps make your volume the same as other users, regardless of your microphone settings. We strongly recommend to keep this setting on to ensure you can be heard well by other users.
Normalization threshold Using this setting you can control the threshold when the incoming audio will become amplified. If your normal speech is too quiet and it's not getting amplified, lower this setting. If random quiet noises are being amplified, increase it.
Noise suppression (RNNoise) This feature processes the incoming audio to filter out various undesirable noises. This can clean up audio from noisy microphones considerably, producing a cleaner voice. We strongly recommend keeping this setting on. However, it can also filter out certain noises that do not get identified as speech.
Noise gate threshold Noise gate prevents background noises from being transmitted to other users. This setting indicates the maximum volume at which sounds will be filtered out. If too much noise is making it in, increase this setting, if your voice is not getting through, lower it.
Noise gate attack This indicates how fast the noise gate responds to an incoming sound that is louder than the threshold volume. Larger values will result in a slower volume fade in, while smaller ones will make the volume ramp up quicker.
Noise gate hold This controls how long it takes for the noise gate to begin to close after the microphone input volume falls below the threshold volume.
Noise gate release This setting controls how fast the noise gate closes after the incoming audio has quieted again.

Voice Settings

Setting Usage
Mute Persistence Denotes what your microphone setting should be at startup


Earmuff Mode is an accessibility setting which lowers the volume of other users when you cannot see them / are not nearby.

Setting Usage
Use Earmuff Enables or disables this setting
Volume Attenuation Sets the volume for other people when they aren't in focus
Directionality Controls the shape of the focused area. When set to zero, this area is a circle around you; when set to 100%, this area is a cone in front of you.
Distance Controls the size of the focused area
Angle Controls the angle in front of your face where voices are in focus. Does nothing when directionality is zero.
Transition Start Controls the start of the volume falloff
Transition End Controls the end of the volume falloff, beyond this the volume of other users is equal to the volume attenuation setting.


General Controls

Setting Usage
Primary hand Adapts the game to your dominant hand. Some items and tools will adapt to this.
Double click interval Used to adjust the time window for any actions which require a double click.


Setting Description
Thumbstick Looking Speed How sensitive the thumbstick is when looking around. higher values mean faster look speed with the joystick at max.
Thumbstick Looking Exponent How much faster the joystick makes the user look around as it approaches the edge, becoming exponentially fast at the very edge. This value increases and can decrease the power of this effect.
Use gamepad when unfocused Whether to allow usage of the connected gamepad when unfocused from the game.


Setting Usage
Locomotion Preferences Sets the priority for your locomotion choice when joining a world


This section only applies to using Resonite in desktop mode

Setting Usage
Sensitivity Controls how sensitive your mouse is in general.
Looking speed
Panning speed
Rotation speed
Freeform rotation speed


Setting Description
Left controller sideways movement mode
Right controller sideways movement mode
Use head direction for movement
Smoothing turning Gradually turn overtime or turn off for snap turning.
Use smooth turn exclusive mode
Smooth turning speed
Snap turning angle Degrees you will rotate at a time while using snap turning mode.
Noclip speed Controls how fast you move when in noclip.
Movement deadzone
Turning deadzone
Movement exponent

Grabbing Settings

Setting Description
Default Hand Grab Type Sets the default grab mode used by your hands when grabbing items.

User Interface

Customization Settings

Setting Description
UI Edit Mode Toggle UI Edit Mode for adding or removing facets.


Setting Description
Select Locale Lets you choose the language Resonite uses.
Use imperial units Self explanatory, tells Resonite to use imperial units rather than metric
Culture locale code Advanced: allows manual overriding of your locale code.


Setting Description
Curvature Controls how curved the dashboard is when playing in VR.
Open/close speed The speed at which the dashboard opens and closes.
Allow replacing settings Allows you to remove panels from the settings menu, for usage as individual facets.


Setting Description
Nameplate visibility Controls whose Nameplates are shown to you
Show custom nameplates When disabled, forces all users to use the default nameplate instead of any custom one they have.

Interaction Lasers

Desktop View

Setting Description
Follow cursor Desktop view will automatically follow the screen your mouse is on. Useful if you are using a mouse and keyboard while in VR
Brightness Brightness of the desktop view
Opacity How transparent the desktop view is. Makes it partly see though so the world behind it isn't as obscured.

Quick Photo Capture


Facet Anchors

Setting Description
Use Facet Anchors
Toggle Controller Sets which controller will be able to open your facet anchors. The other will be used for opening your dash.
Show/Hide Animation Speed How fast facet anchors are shown/hidden when toggled.
Show background If the background visual should be shown behind facets on a facet anchor. When off, only the facets placed on an anchor will be visible.


Haptic Feedback

Setting Usage
Controller vibration Enables or disables controller vibration as a whole.
Haptic feedback Enables or disables haptic feedback from avatars and items in the world or other haptic devices


Setting Usage
VR Hotswitching Enables or disables your game automatically switching to desktop mode/VR when a headset is disconnected or connected.
This can still be manually triggered by pressing F8 on your keyboard.
For this setting to be effective, the game must have been launched in VR mode first.

Leap Motion

Tracker Settings

Setting Description
Use Trackers If all body trackers should be enabled.
Manage Trackers View all names, assignments, ids, and statuses for previously used trackers.

Tracking Smoothing

Vive Hand Tracking

Setting Description
Vive hand tracking If vive hand tracking should be used. May also need to be enabled in SteamVR.
Controller snapping distance
Track hands while using controllers Continue tracking hands for finger data while using controllers.


User Metrics

Setting Usage
Height Adapts the game to your real world height. This is used to properly scale your avatars.

Online Status

Setting Usage
Default Status Set the status you start in when you login. If you pass the launch argument -Invisible this option will be ignored in favor of the argument. Option will be disabled if both status options below are set to AlwaysRemember.
Remember last status
Remember status for Only shown if RememberIfRecent is set. Your last status will be restored if you log in again within this timeframe, otherwise your default status will be used.
Remember last invisible status
Remember invisible status for Only shown if RememberIfRecent is set. Your last invisible state will be restored if you log in again within this timeframe, otherwise your default status will be used.
Switch to Away when idle for If you are idle for 10 minutes you will be automatically swapped to Away, when you return your status will return to its previous setting.


Setting Usage
Load cloud home on startup If you would like your cloud home to be opened automatically. If you pass the launch argument -DoNotAutoLoadHome this option will be ignored in favor of the argument.


Desktop Render Settings

Setting Description
Field of view Controls your field of view (FOV) in desktop mode.
VSync Limits the framerate to the refresh rate of your display.
Limit framerate when in background Limits the framerate while the application is not in focus.
Maximum background framerate The framerate to cap to while not in focus.

Post Processing

Setting Description
Motion Blur Intensity Controls the strength of motion blur, disabled entirely if set to 0%.
Bloom Intensity The Bloom effect causes a glow to appear around bright objects in the scene, disabled entirely if set to 0%.
Ambient Occlusion (AO) Intensity Adds shading in corners and area that'd receive less light. Controls the strength of Ambient Occlusion, disabled entirely if set to 0%.
Screen Space Reflections When enabled, any parts of the scene currently visible to the camera will reflect off shiny surfaces in realtime.
Antialiasing (AA) Smooths out jagged edges on objects. Several anti-aliasing methods are available. Some may not work or be suitable for VR.


Messaging Privacy

Setting Description
Do not send realtime read status Stops read reciepts of your messages from being sent in real time. Turning this on also means you cannot see when someone else reads your messages in real time

Media Privacy

Setting Description
Opt out of media metadata If enabled, you will be excluded from metadata in captured media.
Do not show me in screenshots You will not be rendered in screenshots captured in-game. Such as via the Camera.
Strip image metadata on import Removes embedded metadata on images including EXIF, Comments, and Location.


Host Access


Realtime Networking

Asset Gathering

Network Relays


Platform Settings

The name of this section changes in game depending on your operating system.

Windows Settings

Setting Usage
Keep original screenshot format Avoid converting captured screenshots to JPG/PNG instead keeping them in their original format.


Setting Usage
Debug input bindings Additional information will be shown about the input binding system.
Convert Particle Systems Convert Particle systems into Photon Dust.

Legacy Features

Setting Usage
Double press grip to equip items Toggles the ability to quick equip tools.
Use legacy world switcher Toggles the old way of switching between sessions.
Use inventory & session gesture shortcut Toggles the Legacy Inventory window. (Use left grip + dash menu button in VR, or use Ctrl + i in Desktop).

Twitch Streaming Interface

This setting only appears when you open the Stream Camera for the first time.

Setting Usage
Twitch Channel Name An easy way to use the Twitch Chat feature in Resonite.

See Also

  1. Frooxius in a GitHub Comment