
From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 00:05, 25 June 2024 by Alizard (talk | contribs) (Alizard moved page Component:WorldDetail to Component:LegacyWorldDetail: Obsoleted component's name changed)
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Component image 
World Detail component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
UpdatingUser direct UserRef
WorldOrSessionId String
_visited Bool
_totalActiveUsers Int
_totalContacts Int
Expanded Bool
CompactDetailExpanded Bool
CompactDetailCategory DetailCategory
ModalCompactSize Float2
ModalExpandedSize Float2
_hostText Text
_sessionItemsRoot Slot
_thumbnailGraphic RawGraphic
_thumbnailTexture StaticTexture2D
_detailImageRoot Slot
_compactRoot Slot
_compactHeaderRoot Slot
_detailHeaderRoot Slot
_compactMaskEnabled field drive of Bool
_compactMaskRootEnabled field drive of Bool
_openButton Button
_scrollRect ScrollRect
_expandButton Button
_expandIcon Image
_expandSprite Sprite
_compactSprite Sprite
_description Text
_leftDetailsRoot Slot
_rightDetailsRoot Slot
_detailsText Text
_cycleLeftButton Button
_cycleRightButton Button
_compactParent direct RefDrive`1<Slot>
_compactHeaderParent direct RefDrive`1<Slot>
_sidebarActive field drive of Bool
_sidebarAnchorMin field drive of Float2
_sidebarAnchorMax field drive of Float2
_contentAnchorMin field drive of Float2
_contentAnchorMax field drive of Float2
_rectTransformLerp field drive of Float
_modalAnchorMin field drive of Float2
_modalAnchorMax field drive of Float2
_compactButtonsActive field drive of Bool
_compactButtonsAnchorMin field drive of Float2
_compactButtonsAnchorMax field drive of Float2
_compactDetailRect field drive of Rect
_compactDetailButtonRect field drive of Rect
_compactDetailText Text
_compactDetailExpandButton Button
_newSessionItemRoot Slot



See Also