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Skinned Mesh Emitter component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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A skinned mesh renderer can be used to emit particles from either the vertices, edges, or faces of a SkinnedMeshRenderer. The colors of the particles can be made to be the colors of certain points of a texture, which is sampled via which point on the skinned mesh renderer the particle is emitted from.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
System ParticleSystem the particle system this emitter is a part of.
Rate Float How fast to emit particles into System
BurstOnActivatedMin Float the minimum amount of particles generated when the component's hierarchy is activates
BurstOnActivatedMax Float the maximum amount of particles generated when the component's hierarchy is activated.
BurstOnStart Bool
EmitFrom MeshEmissionSource What parts of the mesh to emit from.
UseVertexColors Bool Whether to use the vertex color data from the mesh for the color of the particles.
DirectionMode MeshEmitterDirection the coordinate direction to use for up.
Direction Float3 The vector direction to force the particles in, realtive to DirectionMode.
RandomDirectionWeight Float How much to randomize the velocity (this is a magnitude)
ColorTexture Texture2D The texture to use as the colors of the emitted particles (samples the color of this at the UV position of the mesh section it was emitted from)
WrapMode WrapMode How to wrap the UV sample coordinates of the mesh.
UVOffset Float2 How much to offset the UV sample position of ColorTexture
UVScale Float2 How much to scale the UV sample position of ColorTexture
ClipRect Nullable`1<Rect> The rectangle to discard UV coordinates if they end up outside this range. Kind of like a UV discard.
Skin SkinnedMeshRenderer The skinned mesh renderer to emit from.



See Also