
Category page
Category Summary
Info Nodes that get or set information about slots.
Searching Nodes for searching through slots.
Node Name Description
Children Count tells you how many Slots are under a Slot.
Destroy Slot Destroys the provided Slot.
Destroy Slot Children Destroys the provided Slot's Children Slots.
Duplicate Slot Duplicates the provided Slot.
Get Active User Gets the nearest parent User of the provided Slot.
Get Active UserRoot Gets the nearest parent User's UserRoot of the provided Slot.
Get Active User Self Gets the nearest parent User of this Node's Slot.
Get Child Gets a child of the provided Slot based on index starting from 0 in the inspector.
Get Object Root Finds the nearest parent slot that is recognized as an object root.
Get Parent Slot Get the Slot that is the parent of the provided Slot. Provided Root it returns null.
Get Slot Gets the Slot of a Component.
Get Slot Order Offset Gets the Long value stored in OrderOffset on a Slot.
Index Of Child Gets the index based on starting from 0 in the inspector.
Is Child Of Checks if a slot is the child of another Recursively.
Root Slot The Root Slot of a world. This is a Constant.
Set Child Index Set the offset of a Slot in the inspector starting from 0.
Set Parent Sets the provided Instance Slot's parent to the provided Parent Slot.
Slot Children Events Sends Impulses when something changes in the immediate children of the provided Slot.