Community ProtoFlux Library

From Resonite Wiki

The Community ProtoFlux Library is a community-driven effort of extending the use of ProtoFlux using custom nodes. This is also a planned feature according to these GitHub issues Nested nodes for ProtoFlux (Issue #564) & Pack ProtoFlux into a static asset (Issue #962). Once these issues become complete, this page will become more relevant and a valuable resource on keeping track of the many custom nodes that the community wishes to make and share.

Custom nodes are NOT YET official from Resonite, and are maintained by the community! Some nodes may be buggy or can change over time. Please contact the custom node creator to update their nodes.

Custom nodes are useful for helping users create projects faster, easier, and more efficiently, using custom nodes in a plug-n-play way and speeding up their workflow. Creating a custom node is similar to creating a function that "just does the thing". This page acts as the library to catalog each of these nodes in a searchable way.

Community Information


This project is currently being championed by AmasterAmaster, encouraging others to experiment and learn how to create custom nodes using tools available in Resonite. He is currently maintaining a Flux Libraries folder that contains thier own custom nodes, as well as links to other ProtoFlux libraries created by users.

The link to the Community ProtoFlux Library folder is here: resrec:///U-1TrPDj67qeu/R-144E0D851191886367BAC4F0C70CE8FA5966554C2FA39FD229822287D0F61779

Referenced Folders

Custom nodes are made by the community with or without the use of tools to make them, here is a list of user's flux libraries and tools:

User/Item Description Public Folder Discord Post
ProtoFlux Libraries Folder The collection of all the community's ProtoFlux libraries in one place. resrec:///U-1TrPDj67qeu/R-144E0D851191886367BAC4F0C70CE8FA5966554C2FA39FD229822287D0F61779 ProtoFlux Libraries Post
Custom ProtoFlax Node Maker The item that makes the custom nodes. resrec:///U-TessaCoil/R-618456C8DC2ADC8708617A002062B241814E39D2025742C170C90E6216BF3B61 Custom Protoflax Node Maker
TheAutopilot's Flight Data Recorder A logging and debugging tool using ProtoFlux. resrec:///U-TheAutopilot/R-15a4b80b-d8d9-4502-92df-61b7c2bf3355 Flight Data Recorder (Protoflux Logging)
Paradox19's Flux Library A set of custom nodes designed for general use. resrec:///U-1PsFEG1qoqm/R-EB30F96F5A126EDF330C82E14905D1CBC9558E8C31BC30DCF7D11DF7C174976A
charlie's JSON nodes A set of custom nodes designed to handle JSON parsing. resrec:///G-pussafire/R-7EDF219CF4884A1144CBB4F2A9FA271C7581CF20BFCC7AA10624ECC84998F18D Json in protoflux!

ProtoFlux Library

In a similar way on how the ProtoFlux Category is setup to show a list of links to their respective node pages, this page will also have a list of custom nodes listed from the ProtoFlux Libraries Folder. This list may not have every custom node, but feel free to contact AmasterAmaster for suggestions, bug fixes, and linking to more ProtoFlux libraries.

Since these nodes are made by the community, they can update at anytime, so please check back often to get the latest updated custom nodes.

Currently the libraries are sorted in this fashion: Username -> Library Name -> Custom Node

User's Library Summary
AmasterAmaster Focuses on general purpose helper library nodes.
charlie_san Focuses on nodes based on JSON parsing, string manipulation, encryption and programming.
paradox19 Focuses on general purpose and quality of life nodes.
TessaCoil Focuses on general purpose helper nodes.


This library used to be located in the Resonite Essentials public folder, found in Examples -> ProtoFlux. It was removed due to conflicts in the community and pressure towards the dev team to remove it. The source is found in this GitHub Disscusion here: The Mystery Of The Disappearing Folder (A Policy Change Request).