The Node Test is a custom node that does not serve a real function within a ProtoFlux code. Rather, the node is used to reference the colors of the ProtoFlux value types.
SyncOperation (Call)
The call will send an impulse into the custom node.
ASyncCall (ASync)
Starts an Async task to the custom node.
Bool (Bool)
A value input of a bool type.
Byte (Byte)
A value input of a byte type.
UShort (UShort)
A value input of an Ushort type.
ULong (Uint)
A value input of an Ulong type.
Sbyte (Sbyte)
A value input of a Sbyte type.
Int (Int)
A value input of an int type.
Long (Long)
A value input of a long type.
Float (Float)
A value input of a float type.
Double (Double)
A value input of a double type.
FloatQ (FloatQ)
A value input of a floatQ type.
DoubleQ (DoubleQ)
A value input of a doubleQ type.
Decimal (Decimal)
A value input of a decimal type.
Char (Char)
A value input of a char type.
DateTime (Datetime)
A value input of a DateTime type.
TimeSpan (Timespan)
A value input of a TimeSpan type.
Color (Color)
A value input of a color type.
ColorX (ColorX)
A value input of a colorX type.
RefID (RefID)
A value input of a RefID type.
Half (Half)
A value input of a half type.
Continuation (Call)
Sends an impulse after * (Call) has been impulsed and the value has been written.
IASyncOperation? (Async)
Sends an ASync task after ASyncCall (ASync) has been impulsed and the task has been completed.
Type (Type)
A value output of a type.
String (string)
A value output of a string type.
Slot (Slot)
A value output of a slot.
User (User)
A value output of a user.
IWorldElement (IWorldElement)
A value output of an IWorldElement type.
IPlayable (IPlayable)
A value output of an Iplayable type.
IAudioSource1 (AudioSource'1)
A value output of an IAudioSource1 type.
IField (IField'1)
A value output of an IField type.
IField<T> (IField<T>)
A value output of an IField<T> type.
UserRef (UserRef)
A value output of an UserRef type.
SyncRef (SyncRef)
A value output of an SyncRef type.
ISyncRef (ISyncRef)
A value output of an ISyncRef type.
ICollider (ICollider)
A value output of an ICollider type.
Component (Component)
A value output of a component type.
CharacterController (CharacterController)
A value output of a CharacterController type,
ReferenceTarget<T> (ReferenceTarget<T>)
A value output of a ReferenceTarget type.
IAssetProvider<T> (IAssetProvider<T>)
A value output of an IAssetProvider type.
Object (Object)
A value output of an object type.
Float? (Float?)
A value output of a float? type.