Community ProtoFlux Library/AmasterAmaster/Flow/Async/Try

From Resonite Wiki
This is a custom ProtoFlux node maintained by AmasterAmaster. Contact the creator of the node (not the Dev Team) with any bugs or issues.
This node was created using an in-game system and has no correlation to the Plugin system. Currently, these types of custom nodes are not officially supported by Resonite.
Amaster's Flow Library

The Try node takes in an impulse and checks if the next group of nodes will break on execution when running. If it does, then the catch continuation is fired. When either the try continuation output or the catch continuation output is done, the finally continuation output is fired.

This node is super experimental and may not work as expected. Further research is required before this can be used in your projects. Feel free to contact AmasterAmaster to help with this node.


* (Call)

Calls this node to attempt to run the next group of nodes in this impulse context.


Try (Continuation)

Continues the code from here, and attempts to execute it.

Catch (Continuation)

When there is an issue with the group of nodes in the try continuation output, this continuation fires and runs the group of nodes in this context instead.

Finally (Continuation)

When either the try or catch finishes, this continuation fires.