Community ProtoFlux Library/AmasterAmaster/Flow/For Float

From Resonite Wiki
This is a custom ProtoFlux node maintained by AmasterAmaster. Contact the creator of the node (not the Dev Team) with any bugs or issues.
This node was created using an in-game system and has no correlation to the Plugin system. Currently, these types of custom nodes are not officially supported by Resonite.
Amaster's Flow Library

The For Float node acts like a For loop but using a float input instead of using an int. This is mainly used to loop between two points (a bezier curve line is a good example to this), and each segment of that line gets its own iteration for the loop between 0 and 1.


* (Call)

Calls to start the for loop.

Increment (float)

The condition to check to keep looping (as long as this number is between 0 and 1).

Reverse (bool)

Allows the loop to go in reverse.


LoopStart (Continuation)

Fires when the loop begins.

LoopIteration (Continuation)

Fires for the loop iteration.

LoopEnd (Continuation)

Fires when the loop ends.

Iteration (int)

Shows the current iteration for this loop.