Community ProtoFlux Library/AmasterAmaster/Math/Constants/e

From Resonite Wiki
This is a custom ProtoFlux node maintained by AmasterAmaster. Contact the creator of the node (not the Dev Team) with any bugs or issues.
This node was created using an in-game system and has no correlation to the Plugin system. Currently, these types of custom nodes are not officially supported by Resonite.
Amaster's Math Library
Amaster's Math Library

The e node returns the mathematical constant of Euler's number, similar to the official e node, but with more percision. The table below shows the values provided from the original and custom nodes:

type value
Float 2.718282
Double 2.71828182845905
Decimal 2.7182818284590452353602874714


* (double or decimal)

Returns the double/decimal percision of e.