Community ProtoFlux Library/AmasterAmaster/Slots/Reorder Slots

From Resonite Wiki
This is a custom ProtoFlux node maintained by AmasterAmaster. Contact the creator of the node (not the Dev Team) with any bugs or issues.
This node was created using an in-game system and has no correlation to the Plugin system. Currently, these types of custom nodes are not officially supported by Resonite.
Reorder Slots
SlotName {0}
Amaster's Slot Library

The Reorder Slots node takes in a slot hierarchy, a custom name, and the offset for the slots. Then the node will reorder the slots starting with the first slot, assigning it an order offset (accounting for the provided offset in addition to the list of slots), and returns it back into the same slot hierarchy.


* (Call)

Calls to start ordering the slots.

Hierarchy (Slot)

The target slot hierarchy to order the children slots from.

SlotName {0} (String)

The name to set for the child slots. The string provided can also have the {0} parameter to specify the number with the slot's name.

Offset (int)

The OrderOffset offset for the child slots, adding on to the normal list while looping through them.


LoopStart (Continuation)

Fires when the loop starts.

LoopIteration (Continuation)

Fires when the loop iterates.

LoopEnd (Continuation)

Fires when the loop ends.

ChildSlot (Slot)

The current child slot.

NewName (String)

The new name of the current child slot.