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Component image 
AvatarNameTagAssigner component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The AvatarNameTagAssigner component is responsible for setting the nametag's text, color, and the ContactLink UserId. It basically defines what a nametag is.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
LabelTargets list of IField`1<String> A list of string fields that should be set to the user's display name when this component is under an avatar and the avatar is equipped.
UserIdTargets list of IField`1<String> A list of string fields that should be set to the user's UUID (aka UserID) when this component is under an avatar and the avatar is equipped.
ColorTargets list of IField`1<ColorX> A list of colorX fields that should be set to the user's special color when this component is under an avatar and the avatar is equipped. Supporters, Staff, Mentors, and Moderators are some of the many users that get custom name plate colors through this component.
OutlineTargets list of IField`1<ColorX> Similar to ColorTargets but for the outline.
BackgroundTargets list of IField`1<ColorX> Similar to ColorTargets but for the background color.
DequippedLabel String What text should display when the avatar this component belongs to is dequipped. You can be creative with this!


When an avatar is dequipped the DequippedLabel contents will be written to the LabelTargets, by default the DequippedLabel is "---".


By default a user's Name Badge will contain a AvatarNameTagAssigner connected to TextRenderer, TextUnlitMaterial, and a ContactLink. The user's username will be written to the TextRenderer, their default Name Badge colors will be written to the TextUnlitMaterial, and their UserId will be written to the ContactLink.

Not unassigning these fields located in this component will result in your hard work being overwritten when equipping the avatar. Please make sure that the parts that you want overridden is referenced here, else leave those parts blank to have them customized.

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