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Blendshape Weight List Editor component as seen in the Scene Inspector
Weight list editor is a component that is used within inspectors and shouldn't need to be interacted with by the user. Although, it can be used in very niche circumstances.
The list of blendshapes. This can be acquired through grabbing the "BlendShapes" title at the beginning of a blendshape list inside of a Skinned Mesh Renderer
The button that when pressed, should add a new blendshape to the end of the _targetList. Whether the new blendshape does anything or not depends on if the Mesh data inside of _targetSkin has a blendshape list that reaches as far as the new item.
The skinned Mesh renderer to add a new blendshape item to. Has to be the same component _targetList comes from.
Add component to a slot and fill the fields, with the proper data explained in the table above. Press the button provided to _addNewButton to add a new blendshape to the targeted skinned Mesh renderer.
Generated automatically inside of inspectors to allow the modification of blendshape lists.