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Component image 
Boolean Member Editor component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The BooleanMemberEditor component is commonly used in Scene Inspectors to allow toggling of booleans even if they are a sub property of a type like a Bool3 Using _path. This can be utilized in Ref Hacking.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Continuous Bool Whether editing of this field instantly updates the _target.
_path String The sub path under _target. This can be something like "x" to represent the first value of a Bool3 field.
_target direct RelayRef`1<IField> The bool field or a field with a toggleable bool subfield.
_checkBox Checkbox The Checkbox to toggle _target->_path with.
_stateDrive field drive of Bool The field to drive with the state of _target->_path
_button Button The button to toggle _target->_path with.


Used in Scene Inspectors

See Also