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Component image 
Canvas component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The Canvas component is the starting point for anything based on UIX. It provides the bounds of the UI and controls how users can interact with it.

When updating certain things on the canvas, you may need to duplicate the entire Slot to get the canvas (and any other UIX elements and slots under that canvas) to work again. The specifics for this canvas component that may need to force recalculation are as follows:
  • DefaultCulling: Especially for rendering the back side of the canvas.
Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Size Float2 The dimensions of the canvas. At normal scale, this is equivalent to meters
EditModeOnly Bool This makes this component only editable in Edit Mode
AcceptRemoteTouch Bool Whether this component allows interaction via the user's interaction laser.
AcceptPhysicalTouch Bool Whether to allow Component:TipTouchSources to interact with/activate this component.
AcceptExistingTouch Bool If this canvas is already being touched (physically or remotely), accept the input
HighPriorityIntegration Bool If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
IgnoreTouchesFromBehind Bool Makes the canvas ignore all touches from behind
BlockAllInteractions Bool Prevents any interaction if enabled
LaserPassThrough Bool Allows the laser to go through the canvas
PixelScale Float Sets the pixel scale for this canvas and its contents
UnitScale Float Scales the contents of this canvas, higher number makes the contents smaller
_rootRect RectTransform Internal - The root rect of this canvas
Collider BoxCollider The collider that receives touches from this canvas
DefaultCulling Culling Culling for this canvas
_colliderSize field drive of Float3 Internal - Takes in a box collider and uses it for the canvas
_colliderOffset field drive of Float3 Internal - Offsets this box collider for this canvas
StartingOffset Int The visibility order of rendering this canvas (lower number gets drawn over higher numbers)
StartingMaskDepth Int Masking layer for the canvas


This component is needed for UIX, without it, your other components that relay on UIX, canvas, elements, and rects will not work as expected. Using a canvas not only organizes your other components, it renders them and makes them usable and interactable.


Here is a video from ProbablePrime's tutorial on canvases:

= See Also

  • When a child slot is created when under a Slot that has a canvas component, the new child slot will automatically create a RectTransform component.