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Component image 
Legacy Cloud Storage Space Indicator component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The LegacyCloudStorageSpaceIndicator component was used in old migrated legacy content that showed the cloud storage usage for a user. This component should not be used in new content and should be replaced when possible.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Source StorageUsageStatus The source of the cloud usage data.
ContainerColor ColorX The color of the UI container.
UsedColor ColorX The normal color when storage has been used.
LowSpaceColor ColorX The color to use when space is low.
CriticalSpaceColor ColorX The color to use when space is almost filled or beyond filled.
LowSpaceThreshold Float The percentage 0 to 1 for cloud storage to be considered low space.
CriticalSpaceThreshold Float The percentage from 0 to 1 for cloud storage to be considered critically full.
_ownerLabel TextRenderer The text renderer that shows the owner of this cloud storage indicator.
_usageLabel TextRenderer The text renderer that shows the usage of the cloud storage for the user.
_percentLabel TextRenderer The text renderer that shows the percentage full for the cloud storage of the user.
_progressBar LegacyProgressBar The UI used to show the amount of storage used as a progress bar.
__legacyOwnerId String The legacy owner ID for what user this component was supposed to show the cloud storage for.
__legacyMemberQuota Bool Whether this component was supposed to show the amount of storage a user was using for a group shared storage that they were allocated.


Just don't.


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See Also