
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Legacy Slider component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Style direct RelayRef`1<LegacyUIStyle>
AcceptPhysicalTouch Bool
AcceptRemoteTouch Bool
IsEnabledField Bool
IncrementPressed Action`1<LegacySlider>
DecrementPressed Action`1<LegacySlider>
DriveField field drive of Float
AllowWriteBack Bool
CreateUndoStep Bool
Value Float
Min Float
Max Float
Increment Float
IntegerOnly Bool
ColorField ColorX
SymmetricalField Bool
WidthField Float
HeightField Float
CursorRatioField Float
ThicknessField Float
SlantField Float
SpacingRatioField Float
TrackRatioField Float
ButtonRatioField Float
_trackMesh direct DriveRef`1<MultiBevelStripeMesh>
_leftMesh direct DriveRef`1<BevelStripeMesh>
_rightMesh direct DriveRef`1<BevelStripeMesh>
_cursorMesh direct DriveRef`1<BevelStripeMesh>
_trackMaterial direct DriveRef`1<PBS_RimMetallic>
_leftMaterial direct DriveRef`1<PBS_RimMetallic>
_rightMaterial direct DriveRef`1<PBS_RimMetallic>
_cursorMaterial direct DriveRef`1<PBS_RimMetallic>
_leftPosition field drive of Float3
_rightPosition field drive of Float3
_cursorPosition field drive of Float3
_leftColliderSize field drive of Float3
_rightColliderSize field drive of Float3
_trackColliderSize field drive of Float3
_cursorColliderSize field drive of Float3



See Also