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Component image 
Look At component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Look at is a component that is used to make one slot point to look at another slot via a SwingTwist interpolation. Swing Twist is a concept that is too complicated to explain on this wiki, but essentially constrains the rotation on two axies when rotating to a point, locking it within a range. kind of like a turret.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Target Slot The slot to try to look at.
TargetPoint Float3 The 3D point to look at when Target is not provided.
TargetPointSpace direct RootSpace The Coordinate space of TargetPoint
Up Float3 The up axis of this slot, usually best to keep at (0,1,0)
RotationOffset FloatQ How much to rotate the slot by after applying the look at (quaternion multiplying)
SwingReference Float3 The axis to apply "Swing" rotation to.
TwistReference Float3 The axis to apply "Twist" rotation to.
MaxSwing Float The maximum (pos/neg) amount that the slot can rotate on SwingReference
MaxTwist Float The maximum (pos/neg) amount that the slot can rotate on TwistReference
_target field drive of FloatQ The field to apply the rotation result to.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
SetReferenceAxis:ButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler


Attach the component to a slot and provide a Target or TargetPoint to make it look at or point at a position. It is recommended to put a slot under this component's slot to apply offsets to the rotation.


This can be used to make a piston base and rod look at each other to stay connected when the piston moves. this can also be used to make a tracking system.

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