
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Meter Tool component as seen in the Scene Inspector

See Meter Tool.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
_equipLink direct LinkTarget`1<ITool> This is Internal, and is used by the engine to retrieve the component this field is a part of. It cannot be assigned to.
TipReference Slot The slot to use as the tool's tip, instead of the component's slot.
BlockGripEquip Bool Whether to prevent legacy double grip equipping from equipping this tooltip.
BlockRemoteEquip Bool Whether to prevent equipping by clicking via laser
EquipName String The name of the tool in the context menu when equipping via context menu.
_overrideActiveTool InteractionHandler The interaction handler to use instead of this tool as an interaction handler.
_gripPosesGenerated Bool Whether the Grip Pose Reference components and slots have been generated for this tool.
_indicationColor IField`1<ColorX> The field to change the color value for when doing status indications.
MeterMode MeterTool.Mode The mode the tool is currently in.
MeasureInObjectSpace Bool If measurements should be done in global space or parent space.
RaycastIgnoresUsers Bool Whether the tool raycast ignores colliders with an active user.
MultiPoint Bool Measure between two points, or any amount of points.
_lastPoint Slot The slot of the last point placed by the tool.
_currentMeter DistanceMeter The current object displaying the distance between points.
_currentLineTransform LineTransform The current line transform object being used to display the distance between points
FormatNumber String How to format the numbers.
FormatUnit String How to format the units.


Name Value Description
Ray 0 Shoots a ray from the tip of the tool and places a point wherever it hits.
Perpendicular 1 Shoots a ray up from where the first point is placed.
Drag 2 Puts points between where you start and stop dragging.


See Meter Tool.


See Meter Tool.

See Also