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Component image 
RadiantModalOverlay component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The RadiantModalOverlay component is similar to the ModalOverlay, but with the radial menu. This also can be duplicated as a template in the ModalOverlayManager component.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
ShowLerp Float The lerp amount for this modal.
AnimationTime Float The lerp time for this modal.
SizeRoot RectTransform The size of this modal.
ContentRoot RectTransform The center root of this modal.
CloseOnContextMenuAction Bool Closes the modal when the user's context menu closes.
CloseOnClick Bool Closes this modal when it is clicked on.
BlurSpread Float The blur effect amount.
BackgroundColor ColorX The background color of this RadiantModalOverlay.
ContentAnimationScaleOffset Float Offests the content animation for this RadiantModalOverlay.
HeaderSize Float The header size of this RadiantModalOverlay.
Padding Float The padding amount for this RadiantModalOverlay.
_title Text The title of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_blur BlurMaterial The blur of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_blurGraphic RawGraphic The blur graphic of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_blurSpread field drive of Float2 The blur speed of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_backgroundColor field drive of ColorX The background color of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_maskRect field drive of Rect The mask rect of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_headerOffsetMin field drive of Float2 The header offset min of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_headerOffsetMax field drive of Float2 The header offset max of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_contentOffsetMin field drive of Float2 The content offset min of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_contentOffsetMax field drive of Float2 The content offset max of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_titleOffsetMin field drive of Float2 The title offset min of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_titleOffsetMax field drive of Float2 The title offset max of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_closeOffsetMin field drive of Float2 The close offset min of this RadiantModalOverlay.
_closeOffsetMax field drive of Float2 The close offset max of this RadiantModalOverlay.



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