
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Slot Gizmo component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
GizmoReplaced SlotGizmoReplacement
_isFolded Bool
_activeGizmo Worker
_targetSlot direct TransformRelayRef
_positionDrive field drive of Float3
_scaleDrive field drive of Float3
_boundsMesh direct DriveRef`1<TubeBoxMesh>
_boundsRoot Slot
_boundsRotation field drive of FloatQ
_boundsOffset field drive of Float3
_boundsActive field drive of Bool
_nameText field drive of String
_nameOffset field drive of Float3
_nameRotation field drive of FloatQ
_nameActive field drive of Bool
_xPosSegment direct DriveRef`1<SegmentMesh>
_yPosSegment direct DriveRef`1<SegmentMesh>
_zPosSegment direct DriveRef`1<SegmentMesh>
_boundsAnchorPositions list of AnchorInfo
_rootAnchor PointAnchor
_translationGizmo TranslationGizmo
_rotationGizmo RotationGizmo
_scaleGizmo ScaleGizmo
IsLocalSpace Bool



See Also