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Component image 
Static Cubemap component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The StaticCubemap is a component that is used to store data for a 6 sided texture for use with skyboxes.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
URL Uri The Asset URI that references the raw texture data
FilterMode Nullable`1<TextureFilterMode> How to handle the interpolation between pixels.
AnisotropicLevel Nullable`1<Int> The levels of Anisotropic filtering distances when using Anisotropic for FilterMode
Uncompressed Bool Do not use texture compression
DirectLoad Bool Whether to load the image directly from it's URI source and to not cache it locally.
ForceExactVariant Bool Only allow one variant of the texture to exist, part of Asset Variant System.
PreferredFormat Nullable`1<TextureCompression> The format to use for texture compression rather than the auto picked one
PreferredProfile Nullable`1<ColorProfile> The color profile to use rather than the auto picked one. (usually linear)
MipMapBias Float Whether to see lower resolution versions of the texture closer up or not (MipMaps).
MaxSize Nullable`1<Int> The maxiumum size to show to the user, which scaled versions are generated by the cloud on the fly from the original and sent as part of the Asset Variant System

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
InvertRGB:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
InvertR:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
InvertG:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
InvertB:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
InvertA:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
ColorToAlpha:Func`2<ColorX, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<ColorX, Task`1<Bool>> X
AlphaFromIntensity:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
AlphaToMask:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
RemoveAlpha:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
GrayscaleAverage:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
GrayscaleLuminance:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapRG:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapRB:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapRA:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapGB:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapGA:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapBA:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
AddBackground:Func`2<ColorX, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<ColorX, Task`1<Bool>> X
AdjustGamma:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
AdjustAlphaGamma:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
ShiftHue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
SetHue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
SetSaturation:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
OffsetSaturation:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
MulSaturation:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
SetValue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
MulValue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
OffsetValue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
OffsetAlpha:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
Normalize:Func`4<Bool, Bool, Bool, Task`1<Bool>> Func`4<Bool, Bool, Bool, Task`1<Bool>> X


Attach to a slot and insert into a Component:Projection360Material to view what it would look like as a skybox.


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