
From Resonite Wiki
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Video Player Interface component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
ItemName IField`1<String>
SpawningUser UserRef
SpawningUserID IField`1<String>
IsInstance Bool
URL IField`1<Uri>
Stream IField`1<Bool>
VideoClip AssetRef`1<VideoTexture>
VideoClipTexture AssetRef`1<ITexture2D>
AspectRatio IField`1<Float>
DefaultVideoClip VideoTexture
StereoRenderingEnabled IField`1<Bool>
StereoLayout IField`1<StereoLayout>
StereoTransformLeft IField`1<Float4>
StereoTransformRight IField`1<Float4>
StereoTransformScaleLeft IField`1<Float2>
StereoTransformOffsetLeft IField`1<Float2>
StereoTransformScaleRight IField`1<Float2>
StereoTransformOffsetRight IField`1<Float2>
PanoramicRenderingEnabled IField`1<Bool>
PanoramicHorizontalFOV IField`1<Float>
PanoramicVerticalFOV IField`1<Float>
PanoramicProjection IField`1<PanoramicProjection>



See Also