The Grabbable Setter Tool is a tool that can be used to quickly enable and disable the Grabbable Component of objects, bypassing the need to inspect them.
Where to get the tool
The Grabbable Setter Tool can be found in the Resonite Essentials public folder that every new user starts with in their inventory. While in desktop mode the user can also press 7 on their keyboard to equip the tool.
Using the tool
The Grabbable Setter Tool can be equipped by clicking on it and selecting "equip", like any other standard tool, or pressing the 7 key in desktop mode.
With the Grabbable Setter Tool equipped, you can click on objects with the primary fire to make them Grabbable, or use Secondary fire to make them un-Grabbable. This is done by enabling or disbaling the Grabbable Component on the object, or, if one does not exist on an object being set as grabbable, creating one. The object's mesh will flash orange to tell you a change has been done.
While the Grabbable Setter Tool is equipped, your context menu will gain options to allow you to switch between two different modes:
- Set Apply to Root: the Grabbability will be enabled or disabled at the Object Root level, making the entire object grabbable as a whole or completely static as a whole.
- Set Apply to Root: the Grabbability will be enabled or disabled for the Slot which had the collider which was hit by the tool's raycast, making it grabbable separately from the rest. This is useful for moving around individual parts of complex objects.